
God has led me to Thailand for this season of my life to study business management at Sripatum University located in Bangkok. I believe God knew exactly what I needed and connected me with a ministry called Paracletes. Paracletes provides a means for young people to follow their calling while studying their degree abroad. May God always be the center and source of this vision. To Him be the glory! I'm excited for the opportunity to meet new people and share with them about Jesus and come away with a degree in the end.

May 23rd, 2023

This past month, I've been able to meet with Khmer kids and adults at this refugee camp. It was great to be able to read to them and play some games. I also had a good time chatting with them about life. Recently, one of my classmates came to my place between classes to get a coffee I had bought for him. He noticed my Bible sitting on my table and started asking questions about the Bible, spirits, and Jesus. It was actually a really great conversation where I shared about the free gift of God and we talked about where we stand on spirits and being possessed and hearing from God and what God's voice sounds like as opposed to what we just want to hear. He told me about an experience he had and I told him I believe God was trying to speak to him. I think once that sunk in, he started thinking that way too. Overall, I felt like I've gotten closer with my classmates and friends and am more comfortable sharing with them than I was when we first met. Praise God! 

The beauty of doing ministry in Thailand and being so close to my connections in Cambodia as well is that on my breaks I get to go see them too. Recently we had a very short break for the new year over here and I went to Cambodia to spend it there. I always feel like I strengthen my friendships while I'm there on my breaks; but last break in December and this break in April specifically, I feel like I've gotten close with this guy in the village. We have become good friends and someone I look forward to seeing now whenever I'm there. I've been able to talk about my faith with him and I've always felt like his wife (a good friend of mine from when I used to do ministry there) has been interested about God and attending Church or small groups. It's always special for me to be in Cambodia and continue to build those connections as Battambang feels like home for me. On the flip side though, I love that I'm able to build a foundation here in Thailand and merge the two together as a Thai friend of mine joined me in Cambodia this last trip and some of my Cambodian friends are talking about coming to see me here in Thailand.  

After the short break, I came back and finished my last week of classes. Then we all just endured a long 2 weeks of studying for finals. We had 5 tests spread out over 2 weeks. It was stressful, but thankfully it's all over now and I am officially on break. My goals during this break are to stay here in Thailand the first month or so and continue doing ministry at the church. Also to use this time as a way to get closer to God through reading the Bible and spending time in prayer as I continue to ask God for guidance upon my life in the present and the future. Then to continue going to my school gym while I'm here too. I plan to work on myself spiritually and physically. Then I'll go to Cambodia in June or July and stay there until August sometime. Official dates and times are still to be determined. (Kind of hinges on a friend's wedding ceremony). 

I'm looking forward to this summer and the plans God has for me. I'd love prayer for guidance during this time off, that God would lead me no matter the location/country I'm in. I'd love to continue to build relationships here in Thailand and Cambodia as I split my time between the 2 countries this summer. 

Thank you for all your love and support, I look forward to the next update to see what God's been doing in the lives of the people around me!



March 18th, 2023

February has been a great month though it hasn't gone quite as expected. But where one door closes many more open. The bible study I was excited to start at my campus hasn't gone the way I hoped. So, I have now looked for other opportunities, I'm trying to connect with this other missions team that is doing ministry around my school and another school nearby in hopes to incorporate my classmates into something already established. In the meantime, I'm also planning to go and join the other Paraclete at Bangkok University and join his bible study from time to time to hopefully get some ideas, help out and/or incorporate some of my classmates from Sripatum University with theirs too. The last thing I'm very excited about is meeting this Khmer family and kids that are at a refugee home not too far away. The hope is that I can help teach English and/or bible stories or just be around to play and talk with them as I speak Khmer. I spent 7 years in Cambodia doing kids ministry before joining Paracletes in Thailand. I would love if you could keep all these things in your prayers. 

I was hanging out with one of my classmates after school one day and while we were at lunch, he asked me about why I'm here in Thailand and at Sripatum University and not in Cambodia since I talk about Cambodia all the time. This was the perfect opportunity to share my testimony with him and explain how God has been guiding me through all these different opportunities over the years. It was a great conversation as I feel like he is able to open up about his life and beliefs to me and we feel very comfortable with each other. He is a seventh day adventist and admitted that he doesn't really think about religion or the details much and doesn't think of changing because it'd cause too much of an issue within his family. He is Filipino and someone who I've grown close with during our time at school. 

I continue to pray for more encounters like these where I can share Jesus with fellow classmates or at the very least my testimony of what God has done in my life. I'm thankful that even though things aren't turning out the way I pictured in my mind, things are still happening. I'm trusting the Lord for His direction and perfect way in hopes that I'll be obedient to the call no matter how it looks. 

Thank you so much for all your love and support!

Love from,


February 4th, 2023

This past month has been great! I've started back up at school and I am beginning some new things this semester. At the end of the year, we made vision boards for 2023. Mine consists of:

1.    Starting a Bible study, actually speaking Thai;

2.    Take more initiative on hangouts;

3.    Get out more and experience Thailand;

4.    Trust God more this year for the future;

5.    Health improvements in eating and workouts;

6.    Get more involved and manage my time well.

I'm happy to say I've already begun to put a lot of these into practice. I've sent out invitations for a group hangout for the last Tuesday of January and for a weekly Bible study to start the beginning Tuesday of February. I've started my Thai classes again and am trying to be more intentional in my self-study. I've already started eating better and consistently working out. I have plans to spend more time in prayer and reading the bible throughout the weeks and I plan to volunteer more at my church, LifePoint.   

Something new I'd like to do for all my supporters is to start a new Facebook page dedicated to ministry and what God is doing here in Thailand through myself and others. The reason I want it to be separate from my main page is because a lot of the people I am ministering to are friends with me on Facebook. I don't want them to feel like they are my project or I'm only friends with them so they would believe in God. But I realized I'm not posting as much as I used to back in the day when I did kids ministry and I'd love to keep everyone even more updated aside from the newsletter I send out every 4-6 weeks. So if you're interested, send me a friend request click the following link and send me a friend request: "Caleb Southeast Asia". I would love for everyone who is interested to see more and be more involved.    

It's been a month of getting things going and I'm excited for what's next, as I trust the Lord in the small things now in hopes for bigger things in the future. I'm looking forward to this year as I believe it'll be a year of growth and stepping out in faith and discomfort to advance the kingdom of God here in Thailand. Thank you so much for all your love and support and I hope to keep you more involved in the life and ministry that is happening here in Thailand, Cambodia, and Southeast Asia!!  

As a bonus, I almost forgot to mention, I met up with a friend that I used to do ministry with in Taiwan (2010/2011)! I've now met up with her once in Cambodia (2016) and once in Thailand (2023). This time I got to meet her husband too. So great to have connections around the world and to hear about what God is doing in their lives after all this time! 

Love from,


December 27th, 2022

Before the end of the semester, I was able to participate in an event here in Thailand called APEC. Our school was one of the host schools of this event. I was 1 of 30 that was chosen. I was able to meet new people from around the world and help welcome them into Thailand and experience all the different cultures during the event. I was also able to meet and connect with other students at my university because of this event. I met people in other classes and higher years than me. We have since began to talk more and have gone out together a few times. This excites me for when we are all back together again for next semester. Not to mention I also met two Cambodians during a fair at our school. They started speaking Khmer to me and I was surprised because I also speak Khmer. Also very random, but I met two guys from Bangladesh outside the Cambodian embassy in Thailand that were very interested in talking with me. So we talk for a bit, I shared a little of why I'm here and that I'm a student missionary, and by the end, we exchanged contacts and now we are friends. It was a busy end to the semester, lots of tests and projects and beginning to do more with friends outside of class.

Looking back at this last semester, lots has happened. I've met so many new people. I've been consistently involved in the church. Spent a lot of time reading different books and the Bible. Also put more of an emphasis on focused prayer with no distractions. And I've consistently been running to keep in shape/healthy.

Looking forward to the next semester, I hope to be able to get a little more involved with some of the church ministries outside of Sundays. I plan to get a little more involved at my school. Also hangout with more classmates outside of class. Try to have more get-togethers too and start a Bible study for those who are interested.

In the meantime, I'm going to enjoy our break, it's going to be pretty busy. Just over two weeks in Cambodia followed by a week of work (with kids) at a music camp. In the midst of that, my parents will arrive for three weeks (Christmas and New Years)! And our ministry, Paracletes, will have our annual retreat where we do vision boards for the year and spend time praying and studying together followed by fun activities and food.

Thank you so much for all the love and support and prayers! There has been a lot of great things happening and more to come.

Love from,


October 24th, 2022

This past month, I was able to host my first get-together at my new condo and called it a house warming party/candy poker night. This was great because I got to connect with more classmates I hadn't yet. I hope that is just the beginning of something more. I've also started talking to one of my neighbors, a father of a family. He reached out to me as I was walking by one day and I plan to talk with him a bit more as it could be a special connection. I've gotten involved in many other things as well: life groups, young adult ministry, and basketball. My Wednesday discipleship time, especially, has also been nice and encouraging this past month after coming off a long summer break.

At the end of this month, the Young Adults Ministry is hosting a Halloween Party at the church and it is meant to be an outreach to those outside of the church. I have plans to invite some people from my school to this event. Hoping for a great turnout!

Please be praying as I would like to start a weekly or every-other week bible study at my place. I'm currently brainstorming the best way to get the word out that would be most inviting for people to join. I plan to provide dinner and possibly games afterwards as well; but the focus is to share and answer any questions they may have about God.

Thank you so much for all the love and support. If you'd like to support me and my mission financially, you can do so through True Life Fellowship Church (link to website below) and specify in 4. Additional Information that is for Missions: Caleb. It is tax deductible and I'm currently looking for at least 12 people giving $35 a month to be fully funded in my mission here in Thailand. Lastly, your support through prayers are always greatly appreciated!

Love from,


September 17th, 2022

I am back in Thailand, year two of university. It was a good trip home in the states, though I spent most my time working and preparing myself for this upcoming year.

While I was home this summer, I had the opportunity to share about what Jesus has been doing in my life this past year and about what Paracletes is all about at my church. I was given the whole service to share, I was the special guest speaker that Sunday in June. I have come across many friends, family, and new faces who love the concept of Paracletes. They share that it is an amazing program to be able to be a missionary while studying university, and using your campus/area as your mission field, as well as plugging into the existing ministries there. It has been really encouraging the amount of people I have been able to share with and to hear their responses from it.

I was able to volunteer from time to time around my church, but mostly worked a summer job. I was able to meet up with some old friends both from America and Cambodia while in Oregon, and share with each other about the great ways God has been working in our lives and the direction we feel God is leading us. It has been super encouraging to share and pray for one another! I'm super excited for this upcoming year and the opportunities ahead.

Starting in September, I plan to have a get-together with classmates once a month as a way to get to know each other more and build lasting friendships. I have also been able to plug back into my church here in Bangkok and join in on the young adults ministry as well as helping out with the kids during service. I am also back into books again and discipleship nights, which I really missed during my time off.

Prayer request: This upcoming school year I'm hoping more opportunities will arise to share the Gospel with my peers. Please pray that I may have strength and courage to start new things and to have the right words to say. A year from now, I am hoping I can look back and pinpoint certain events/moments where God was clearly at work to reach the people around us.

Thank you so much for all the love and support and prayers! I appreciate it more than words can describe. 💜



MARCH 28TH, 2022

Great news! I'm planning to go back to Cambodia on March 26th for the New Year in April, I'll return to Thailand on April 23rd. This has been a long time coming, but I'm super excited to have this opportunity to go back home and see what God’s been doing there and to catch up with a bunch of my friends. Also, in case you are wondering, I'll still be attending school, but since it's currently online for the rest of this semester, I'm able to make this trip happen!

Next, I wanted to highlight some of my ministry opportunities these past few months! So some of them from the last few months were attending class in person (briefly) and meeting more of my classmates. Then we were able to hang out after classes together and having time outside of school to get to know each other more either at a friend's house and at a fair. Another was helping out a good friend with their thesis where she is filming a movie for university.

I am also helping with KFT (Keeping Families Together) ministry. I was able to help watch the kids and take them on an outing to the zoo which brought me back to my time with the kids ministry in Cambodia.

I've also started learning Thai with a tutor twice a week. And I was able to help get some peoples contacts recently at a big school near me in order to follow up and do things together and hopefully talk about God with those that are interested.

Lastly, I have finally committed to a church, Life Point, where I'm starting to become more involved with sound and kids church. Currently, I've joined a Life Group too. We meet on Thursday nights to talk more about what we learned the previous Sunday.

I feel God has been helping me get involved in a variety of different things/ministry opportunities that have been really great and exciting, with more to come!

Thank you for all your love and support!



February 5th, 2022

Happy New Year!

It's the start of semester two and hybrid learning where we learn both in class and online. So it started out as studying onsite on Mondays and Wednesdays only, but now it seems as if most the teachers prefer us to stay home and study online this semester. So it was a bit confusing. It was very exciting to be onsite and see people and experience university life/atmosphere, but appears as though that has quickly changed back to online. Regardless, I've been developing good friendships with more of my classmates and doing more together outside of class.

I've started to attend a church regularly called Life Point and I am starting to get more involved there too! I'm also attending a small group with the church on Thursday nights for now as well. I'm excited for what God has for me outside of university and in churches here in Thailand.

In our current course for Paracletes, we've been learning about prayer and how to pray. I've really enjoyed this topic and our book readings from 'Praying with Paul' as it has challenged me to change the way I approach prayer. Trying to pray more from God’s Word and relating my prayers to the Bible as I pray for others and myself.

This has been a great month; lots of new things getting started, which means lots of new opportunities ahead! Thank you for all your love and support, This time has really meant a lot to me being able to be here and serve God in a place I never thought I'd be. Thank you True Life Fellowship, thank you Paracletes and thank you to all my friends and family supporting me in all different kinds of ways!! And thank God he knew exactly what I needed, when I needed it, even when I didn't!



January 2022

Hello Family & Friends,

This past holiday months have been refreshing as I've been on break since the end of November and with Christmas and New Years it's been great. I'm excited for this next semester that has started in January 10th!

During our break we had a Paracletes Retreat where Dylan (head of Paracletes), Ronnie (other Paraclete) and myself went to Pattaya (the beach) for three days together. During that time we went through the book of Ephesians and spent time talking and praying through it. We played games together and spent intentional time away from everything with nothing else going on in prayer and the bible. We also made vision boards (goals) for this next year!

As 2021 has come to an end and 2022 has begun, I've made it a goal of mine to get out of the house more and get more involved in what's around even if we are still online learning. Last semester was a lot of waiting, but this semester I'm not waiting any longer and trying to make a point to see classmates, friends and get involved around the church and anything I can. I've already started hanging out with a few new friends more regularly and have plans with some classmates to get together as well. Even in these weird times, I want to make connections and feel human again and not be stuck at home. I realized COVID has made our normal way of living feel so much more exhausting nowadays as we have been stuck at home the past couple years. So this month of January has been a transition month for me, as I get my body (physically and mentally) prepared for a more packed schedule and regular routine outside of the house. I'll still find time to rest, of course, and not burn myself out but I can't keep sitting at my desk for everything I do throughout the day anymore. Pray for me (haha).

It was also really nice to spend Christmas and the New Year with my sister's family this year!!

Thank you for your love and support, I appreciate all the prayers and I can't wait to report back with next months newsletter on how some of my goals have been going so far!


Caleb Huehl

October 2021

Hi Everyone,

It's been a while since I've posted updates about my life and ministry and how God has been working through me to reach others. So I'm excited to be writing this update for everyone! I plan to have written updates and video updates periodically, as I'm trying something new so y'all can see me and hear my voice too. There is so much to talk about but I'll just hit a few main topics about how everything is going thus far.

First off, I hope to be able to visit the states next summer and see everyone in person as it was kind of sudden for me to come to Thailand to visit my sister, brother-in-law, nieces and nephew, and then staying for university. COVID and my job with Maletis made it difficult while I was home to properly see people and be sent off by the church in person. What I had envisioned compared to what actually happened was so different but God has a lot of good that can and will and already has been coming out of this unfortunate pandemic. I try to look at the positives and continue to want to grow more as a person and follower of Jesus!

So with that said here is what's been happening...

I'm excited for the opportunity to attend a university in Thailand and potentially reach a people group I may never have had the opportunity to reach by being here and joining in a ministry called Paracletes for the next 4 years. Paracletes has given me the opportunity to be grounded and rooted in Gods word and to help in having a set schedule of ministry opportunities outside of my everyday school schedule. We have nightly bible studies and once a week we talk about the book we are currently reading as well as the video series we are currently going through in addition to our bible study for that night (usually Mondays for this one).

My goal is to learn about business management in hopes of one day being able to apply this degree in a way that glorifies God. To shout out a couple of my inspirations behind this are Cafe Eden in Battambang, Cambodia and Iris Coffee Company in Pella, Iowa. I love how they give back to their communities and help in supporting others while providing delicious food and/or coffee through a business model/format. I'd like to be able to do something like that one day as well, maybe not food or coffee, but I'm praying God will lead me to the right idea and or business where I could accomplish these goals and be able to help others.

I will need help with school tuition over the next few years. I was able to pay for the first year from the money I made from my job in the states. Moving forward though, I hope to have support as I also will need help with everyday expenses and one-off items. I'm finding out the hard way that things are not as cheap here in Thailand as they were in Cambodia. So as a Paraclete we are given a stipend for food and gas. Our accommodations are paid for each month as well. Yet, I still find myself running low by the end of each month and unable to save anything for future ministry opportunities and tuition to keep me here and plane tickets for the future. I'd love to be able to have money set aside specifically for ministry where that is its only purpose. As things start to open up again and we transition from online school to attending school in person, their will be many more opportunities to build relationships with other classmates of mine and I'm sure a lot of that will involve going places and getting to know each other more. If you'd consider me in your prayers and thoughts, that'd be greatly appreciated. Even if unable to help financially, I'd still love to be connected/supported through prayer.

Ways to support financially:

Through True Life Fellowship, specify that it's for Caleb Huehl's missions in Thailand.

If you have any questions or want to know more I'd love to hear and answer those questions. Either through email or messenger or any of your preferred ways of keeping in touch! Thank you so much for taking the time to read this update and considering partnering with me in this new endeavor. Enjoy the video update!

Thank you,

Caleb Huehl

October 2023

Summer Break 2023

It's been a long, busy summer, but also had some times to relax and catch-up with many different people. After school ended and our finals finished in May, I chose to stick around Thailand for a bit to fulfil one of my goals this year. Which is to see more of Thailand and branch out more. My time off in Thailand was really good. I went to a province/beach called Krabi. Continued serving in kids ministry at my church. And spent a lot of time over at my sister's as they were gearing up to move to another province far away from where I'm at. Then in August I went and visited them in Chaing Mai right before my school started.

However, I spent most the summer in Cambodia visiting friends and family and attending weddings. Also, now that I wasn't rushed like on my shorter breaks, I had more intentional times while there. 

Looking towards the upcoming school year. One of our goals as Paracletes in Thailand is to plug into existing ministries to help them and be an asset to what they are already doing. In this way we can continue to share the gospel, and help each other during our time here in Thailand. Something I'm looking forward to starting in September is being able to minister to Khmer kids in Thailand as part of another ministry. I've been emailing back and forth with them and would love to commit to help their ministry during these next couple years before I graduate. This feels like a very unique opportunity I felt I should pursue and trust God for what will come from it. 

Started at the end of August, I'm helping with an English ministry at our church in Bangkok. Once a month I'll be teaching/leading different English lessons. I also had a Thai friend reach out to me about tutoring them in English to help improve their language. 

What I'm really looking forward to this next school year is being able to do more things as my first year of school was during covid and we were restricted in what we could do and who we were meeting. Now it seems like God is placing all these new ministry opportunities ahead of me and I'm excited to see what He will do in this time as I'll be more busy than before, but in a good way. 

Thank you so much for your love and prayers and continued support. I'm very hopeful for this upcoming school year and what God has planned for me and those around me. 


Caleb Huehl