God has led me to Thailand for this season of my life to study business management at Sripatum University located in Bangkok. I believe God knew exactly what I needed and connected me with a ministry called Paracletes. Paracletes provides a means for young people to follow their calling while studying their degree abroad. May God always be the center and source of this vision. To Him be the glory! I'm excited for the opportunity to meet new people and share with them about Jesus and come away with a degree in the end.


February 14th, 2019

Update about my time home...

Thank you everyone for your love and support. I am very grateful and can't say enough that I couldn't do what I love to do without the support and prayers from all of you.

So, I've been home since December. I came home for the holidays and to see friends and family. I also came home for a break/sabbatical. Last year when I came home for 6 months, I came for family and friends knowing they wanted to see me and spend time with me. However, ministry wise, I didn't really need the break last year, but thought it was good timing for everyone. I really enjoyed it.

This time around, I am taking some time off for myself. I plan to go back, not sure on the time table yet, but the ultimate plan is to go back to Cambodia. While I'm home I plan to take a debriefing course and counseling after 7+ years in ministry and take some time to reflect on that. I will seek God for vision and ideas for the future. I'm very excited about this time I have home and the things God will do in my life while I'm here and beyond.

During the time here, before returning to Cambodia, I will be self-supporting working with my dad. Mission funds received by True Life Fellowship designated for me, will be put in an account to be released upon my return to Cambodia.

If you want to catch up with me while I'm home, I'd love to do so. You can either talk with me directly and we'll set up a time. Or you can call or text me on (503) 810 3296. You can also contact me through email at caleb.huehl@gmail.com. I look forward to catching up with people while I'm here and Iā€™m excited about where God is taking me in my life.

x Caleb Huehl

November 20th, 2018

Happy Thanksgiving everybody! Can't believe this time last year I was home in the states. Time flies by fast. But God is good and thank you all for your love and support! I'm excited to be able to share how things have been going this past month or so in ministry. So here it is... 

On my last update I was going to start my new English classes but hadn't yet. Now it's been about a month or so teaching in the new location and it's been going great. It's a lot farther than my old class and as of now I have about 20+ students who join. I've split the classes into 2 different levels and 2 separate hours. So from 4-5pm I teach the younger kids who don't know as much English yet and we focus more on the alphabet and single words here and there. Then from 5-6pm I teach the older, more advanced kids from a different book that's a higher level and has more words and sentences in it. After I finish, I stick around and have dinner and hangout a bit with the family I work with and great friends with (because I teach at their house), then head home around 7-7:30pm. So my days are a lot longer than they use to be but I love it. It's been a lot of fun thus far and I enjoy doing it even when it can be very exhausting at times. 

Mondays we started doing evangelism out in a new village. It's been going well. I've gone twice now and our goal early on is to build relationship with some of the people out their and then be able to talk with them more about God as time goes on. We don't want to throw it at them all at once, we want to get to know them first. I wasn't able to join the last time they went out but I heard they were able to start sharing the gospel a bit more than before. 

The students I have in the Youth Development Center (YDC) thus far have all said they really enjoy it a lot and one of them said that the tests are easy (just wait until the higher levels). Please keep them in your prayers that they'd pass their classes and continue to get to know God deeper. As I've mentioned in previous updates, these three are also in our weekly girls small group. So we've invested a lot into these three and want to continue to see them grow! 

Lastly, in my Khmer lessons I've started learning how to read and write Khmer cursive. My head hurts just thinking about it. It's like how I use to read back when I first started reading--very slow. But I see this writing all over the place and I want to be able to read all kinds of writing, not just one particular font. It's very similar to English cursive, where most letters are the same, but their are a few that change and are completely different from it's original. 

Thank you again for all your love and support and for all the birthday wishes. I appreciate it very much and am so grateful for all the prayers and financial support. I couldn't do this without you!!! I'm excited for these new things in the ministry and to see what God will do! 


Caleb Huehl

October 15th, 2018

Hi everyone, thanks for reading my updates! I wanted to give an update on how things have been since I've changed classes and how ministry has been going... 

The last six weeks with my class went great. We had a good ending where in the last week we did more talking, hanging out, and watching movies than any actual English stuff. It was kind of a free week for them before they started English at the YDC (Youth Development Center). So my two main students and one of their older sisters who wasn't studying with me before have now all been studying at the YDC for just over a week now. From what I've heard from them, they love it and it's been going well. My prayer is that they'd get a good English education and that their belief in God would only strengthen throughout their time at the YDC! (All three of those girls are also in our weekly small group.) 

As for me, I have yet to start my new English class in another village. I'll start that next week but on the week I had off, it was weird not going to teach (I miss them already), but I chose to pray instead that their time there goes well. For my new class, we are not sure if I'll be teaching one or two hours yet with different students in each hour and we are also not sure the level of the students either. So that's what my first couple of days in that new class will be like--figuring out the best way to teach them English and about God. I'm excited and nervous at the same time, as I usually am when I start new things, so please be praying for this new class with me!!

As for the ministry, I've been taking Khmer classes again and learning Bible stories for our King's Kid's programs and will soon start to help teach Khmer Bible stories. This is very nerve-racking for me as this is something I've been wanting to do, but also not because it's easier to just join in with the kids instead of being the main teacher. It's not easy keeping all their attention and because it's my second language. I'm a little shy, but I like the challenge and I want to grow so I'm going to start slow and see where God takes me!  I have also been working on translation, but my mind doesn't like that. 

Thank you for all your love and support. I appreciate it so much and am very grateful! I couldn't do all this without your help and support. Thank you so much and I plan to update again soon about how the new classes as well as King's Kid's and the YDC.



August 13th, 2018


This is my first update being exclusively on emails and not Facebook. This will be my new way of communicating. So if anybody you know isn't getting them and would like to, please have them send me their email or sign up on the webpage (see newsletter sign up above). 

I have some great news!!! For the English class I started back in 2015, my goal was to teach kids until they were old enough to study at our Youth Development Center at our YWAM campus. This is a great school that teaches students English and about God, as well as getting certificates once they've passed level 6 and 12 in order to better themselves when it comes to getting jobs! My two main students, one is almost 16 and the other is 18, are going to move out of my class and into the YDC starting October 1st. So I only have a little bit of time left to teach them before they move on. I will also move on to teach English in another village as well. It's bittersweet for it's the end of an era of teaching them in the village I started at and now I'm proud to say that they are ready to move on to the Youth Center. Please keep them in your prayers that they'd be able to learn well and pass their classes as one quarter is three months long. I'm very excited for them and also thrilled that the idea I had years ago is actually happening now. 

For the first week of September we had our annual staff meeting with all the different YWAM organizations in Cambodia. This year we are all going to Thailand to join YWAM Together where we'll meet with more than just those of us working in Cambodia. Please keep us all in your prayers for what God is going to do in our lives that week and for what we can learn from each other and help each other grow as well as for safe travels.

Personally I'm in a place in my life right now where I'm learning how to have better quiet times with God. Lots of times I sit down to pray, do all the talking, spend about 3-5 minutes and them I'm done. I need to learn to sit and listen, which is very hard for me to do, but I need God so much and I really want to spend more time with Him than I have in the past in order for Him to be able to lead my life in the right directions. I want to make sure I stay on His path and don't go off on my own, trusting in Him and also spending more time in his word. I'm still doing the Romans project but sometimes I just need to read something other than Romans. So far I've completed five reads of the twenty.

Thank you so much for your love and support. I can never express enough how much that means to me and how appreciative I am for all who are standing with me in my journey here. My next update will most likely be around when I start teaching my new class in October. So I'll update on how that goes as well and how it's going for my old students at the Youth Center.

Thank you,

x Caleb Huehl

June 10th, 2018

Hey everyone! 

I wanted to share how things have been going and what God's been doing since the last time I sent out a newsletter. I hope everyone is doing great and thank you for taking the time to read this...

Since April, after the Khmer New Year I have started to take Khmer lessons again in order to improve my fluency with reading, speaking and writing as well as expand my Bible vocabulary so that I can minister to the kids easier. So far it's been great and I've been learning a lot of new words as well as remembering some old ones I had forgotten. The biggest struggle is trying to remember some of the big words that I don't normally use so it's not in my everyday vocabulary. 

When I was home I shared briefly how the girls small group we have had 3 girls say they wanted to believe in Jesus. Well an update on them... I was a little nervous that maybe they might not understand fully that believing in God is knowing and accepting that he is the only One true God and that you can't say you believe in God and then participate in Buddhist practices. Recently they said that they no longer partake in the Buddhist activities and they understand that God is the only true God. That is so Awesome! They've been going through the Bible and have quiet times and prayer times and sometimes one-on-ones as well. It's so cool what God is doing through this small group!! 

In my personal life, I've started the Romans project where I read Romans 20 times through and write it out once. I'm just about on my forth read and doing this has brought me a lot closer to God. I've been able to have more prayer times than before and as a result it has helped me through some tough times and given me more quality time with God that I didn't previously have. I feel great when I'm able to learn, grow, and spend that quality time with God. 

Thank you all for your love and support and I'll be praying for everyone back home. Please continue to pray for the things God's been doing here and is still going to do! 

Thank you again!

x Caleb

April 9th, 2018


The last few months we have been going through a lot of changes within our ministry--all good changes! We've shuffled around some of the things we do for different days. In the past, we would have our Kings Kids on Monday after worship. Now, because worship sometimes goes long and picking up the kids would take twenty to thirty minutes, we changed our Kings Kids to Tuesdays so that we'd have more time to spend with them before they have to be taken back home for school. So our family visits have now changed from Tuesday to Friday and for me, helping at the preschool is now Monday instead of Friday. This has worked out great thus far as we now have better opportunities for reaching those we work with and the things we do has stayed the same but we are trying to be more effective in how we do it in order to better our relationships with those around us.

As for me, I've had a lot of moving parts with my English classes. Currently I'm teaching every evening from about 5:15-6:30. After Khmer new year (mid April), I'll start teaching English in the afternoons again as well. I haven't begun those classes yet because I wanted to settle in first and be sure I know what our day-to-day schedule would be. The reason for this is to avoid scheduling confusion. This also gives me a chance to prepare the lessons I want to teach for them. There are two different places I plan to start teaching at. Both are about twenty minutes away and I plan to split up the days so one class will get two days and the other three days. I can't wait to get back into these afternoon classes--they are a lot of fun!

I'm so excited for the things God has for the kids and Cambodia and myself here. It's cool to be able to sit down with some of the older kids and reminisce about the past--how small they were and what we were thinking of each other back when I didn't know how to communicate with them other than making funny faces at them. It's nice to have those moments and know that I've been making an impact in their lives.

Recently I've been sick a lot off and on, currently with a cold. If you could please keep me in your prayers to stay healthy as it has not been easy readjusting back after 6 months away.

Thank you again for all your love and support. I can never thank everyone enough. I'm so grateful for all the love and support sent my way that keeps me here working with these kids and seeing them grow and start to know more about who God is.

Thank you!

x Caleb

February 25th, 2018

This time away from Cambodia came at a time where I felt I had a very strong connection and was able to come home for an extended stay to reconnect with friends and family and supporters and the church that sent me out.

Looking forward, I plan to start up my English classes again in the two villages I was in before. I also plan to try and start an additional class in another village I've invested in with Kings Kids and Sunday church. I'm excited to go back and get back to work and to be around the kids and my team again. Currently they are waiting for me to get back to drive the base truck to our family visits...

Now back in Cambodia, it has been great to be here and catch up with everybody. I am finally going to start my English classes in the coming week and get back into a full schedule.

It's been a weird week back thus far, getting into the swing of things and feeling like I hadn't left while yet everything is different because I had left. Now I'm back, reconnecting and readjusting to life here after 6 months of being home. It's never easy but I'm very excited to get back to what I love doing and I'm very excited for the opportunities God has for me in this upcoming time in my life.

I can't thank you enough for all the prayers and support as I left Oregon and am now back to work here in Cambodia! It's such a blessing and I'm so grateful for the opportunity to serve God in Cambodia and have people who believe and support God's call on my life as well as my own personal vision to see these kids know who He is! So again, thank you!! x Caleb